Different Challenges that You Need to Overcome when Taking Your PADI IDC in Bali

Bali is an amazing destination for scuba divers, no matter if you’re a beginner or experienced. But if you want to teach scuba diving as an instructor, completing the intensive PADI IDC Course is necessary in order to be eligible to take the instructor exam. During this training period, you will develop the skills and knowledge needed to become a competent professional- whether that’s in teaching, passing the instructor examination, or learning how to become a practicing IDC Bali instructor. 

Being new to diving can bring up many uncertainties, but rest assured, it’s nowhere near as tricky as it may seem! With proper coaching and training – not just with diving but in other areas, too – you’ll see how easy and fulfilling becoming an IDC Bali instructor can be. This article will discuss the challenges you will come across as a PADI IDC student while on your path to success.

1. Equalizing

Equalizing is a fundamental part of diving that, with patience and guidance from instructors, can easily become second nature. It involves balancing the pressure within your middle ear against the surrounding water pressure as you plunge below the surface – something many divers have difficulty perfecting initially. Yet by taking time to practice this skill and delve deeper into its intricacies, equalizing will soon be instinctive!

2. Mask clearing

New divers have the exciting journey of learning to explore an underwater world, but mask clearing is often a source of anxiety. While this water skill may not be given enough attention by dive instructors, it’s important for beginners to practice and build confidence in shallow waters before jumping into deep diving adventures! If you ever find yourself with limited visibility due to seeping water blocking your view – no need to panic; just take it slow and let your training come through.

3. Weighting and Buoyancy

Navigating the underwater world is no easy feat. Without proper buoyancy control, divers can feel out of control and struggle through their dives. However, if you take your time to understand and master this skill by breaking down each step at a time – smooth sailing awaits! Many divers grapple with mastering entry-level skills like buoyancy but don’t be discouraged; practice makes perfect so keep on going until it becomes second nature.

4. Dangerous Marine Life

The reason you are learning scuba diving is for you to see the amazing marine life. However, some marine life creatures can be dangerous if you get very close or when you block their path. You can incur injuries, or you can cause injuries to marine life. Most marine life creatures are not harmful but can be unpredictable when they feel threatened. For example, the titan triggerfish is not a dangerous species of fish, but during the mating stage, they can be very dangerous when you swim over their mating nest. This is because you are diving into their home, and they must protect it. Therefore you must pay attention to your surroundings every time you dive to protect yourself and the coral reef ecosystem.

5. Equipment Malfunctions

As an IDC Bali student, you must know that equipment may malfunction. During your diving lessons, you will be given specialized equipment for scuba diving. However, common issues include failure or rupture of the O-ring, regulator malfunctions, and the valve of your tank cylinder may happen.

To prevent equipment malfunction, ensure to inspect your equipment carefully before heading out. Also, have it serviced properly and regularly. If you sense an issue with your diving gear, ask your instructor to replace it or get rental equipment.

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6. Fear and Anxiety

Sometimes the challenges you will face will not necessarily be physical but psychological. You probably are familiar with fear, and it is normal for a beginner to be afraid when going scuba diving as an IDC Bali student. Once you understand such mental barriers, it will help you to overcome the challenges that come with them. Claustrophobia refers to the fear of small spaces you can experience during scuba diving in wrecks, caves, and under the ice. On the other hand, agoraphobia is the fear of wide-open spaces like the ocean. Such phobias can cause anxiety and panic, which can be dangerous underwater. If you are suffering from any of these phobias, let your guide know before going diving. 

Final Thoughts

Scuba diving is an interesting sport, but like other sports, it has some challenges. As seen in this article, some challenges include mask clearing, fear, weight, and buoyancy. Knowing these challenges will make you a better IDC Bali instructor and more prepared should something happen.