The Best Winter Sports to Try

It’s almost autumn which can mean only one thing for those individuals who are keen to try winter sports, now is that time to start getting ready. Before you know it, autumn will be over, and winter will be well and truly here. 

If you want to be ready for when that fantastic winter weather arrives, then now is the time to prepare. This might mean scoping out some of the great winter sports you might like to try this year or making sure that you have the right equipment. Whatever winter sports you try, there are a couple of essential things you should consider now. 


Whilst all-important winter weather is essential for enjoying a whole range of different winter sports, it is vital to make sure that you are safe. 

  • Check the weather before you head out; it can change so quickly, which means it is all too easy to get caught out. 
  • Let someone know where you will be – this is particularly important if you are going out alone
  • With the weather in mind, remember you will get cold, and damp so make sure that you have something warm for when you are finished. Changing in the cold isn’t a great idea, so opt for something like a changing towel from Booicore that you can pop over your clothes to help you get warm and dry
  • The right clothing is essential – look for clothing that has been designed to wear for winter sports; this will help to keep you warmer and also will have an element of water resistance
  • Take some emergency food – if the weather changes whilst you are out, then you may find it challenging to get home until it stops. This means that you may need to stay put until the weather improves, so make sure you have packed some emergency snacks that will keep you going

Snowboarding / ski blading

Whilst Skiing might be considered the most popular winter sport, snowboarding, which is a more extreme version, is the way forward. However, if you really love skiing, why not try ski blading, which uses shorter versions of skis designed for acrobatics and speed. Either way, these are the winter sports that the cool kids are enjoying. Whether you want to race downhill, take part in cross-country or even jump from a helicopter onto a mountainside for the ultimate adrenaline rush, these are the sports to be involved in. 

Cross-country skiing

If you like the concept of skiing but not the idea of going downhill, possibly at great speed, then cross-country skiing offers a great alternative. This is a great way to explore the countryside in all its winter splendour but with a little more speed than walking would allow. This also offers you an excellent workout for the whole body as the arms are essential in cross-country skiing. 

Snow tubing

Snow tubing is in some ways quite similar to tobogganing, but with a little more oomph. As the name suggests, your mode of “transport” is a tube, and instead of going down a slope in a straight line, it is possible that you can spin around in circles as you go. This makes the sport just that little bit more interesting. This is an exciting winter sport, and if you are looking to take part, there are plenty of places worldwide where it is becoming more popular. 

For that extra thrill, several locations also offer late-night snow tubing sessions, the dark adding that extra buzz to the sensation of flying down a slope.

Whatever your choice of winter sport, you’re sure to be able to enjoy the outdoors as quickly – or slowly – as you like if you choose one of these excellent options.