The Traveling Tutor: 5 Tips for Anyone Looking to Teach and Travel in 2023

School tutors are in demand, either in person or via online services. With so many people wanting these services worldwide, savvy educators are taking advantage of the opportunity to explore different countries while making a living as tutors. And the truth is that they’re onto something. Traveling while tutoring is a wonderful way to fulfill your dreams while fulfilling the educational needs of others. 

Are you thinking about teaching and traveling in 2023? If you are, here are five tips to help you get the most out of the experience: 

1. Only Work with Established Schools and Organizations

If you are teaching in person as you travel, ensure that you only work with established schools and organizations. There are endless job opportunities with different schools, and many don’t need you to be exceptionally qualified. 

An appropriate degree and a Teaching English As A Foreign Language certificate are usually enough to enable you to teach across the world. However, it’s still crucial to ensure you’re applying for legitimate jobs. Otherwise, you may go through some uncomfortable experiences, including online work scams and dangerous real-life situations. 

2. Stay on Top of Health Needs

Staying on top of your health needs is important when traveling and teaching. Your health enables you to earn money and enjoy your traveling experience, so you must prioritize staying in good shape. 

Make sure you have essential medications for things like tummy problems and headaches, and never let your health insurance lapse. It is also important to know where to get emergency medical assistance should you need it. 

3. Prioritize Online Classes

Your online tutoring classes are your bread and butter because you can do them anywhere with an internet connection, so you should always prioritize them. That includes scheduling them for times when you have the best internet connection and a quiet, appropriate space for the session. 

Statistics from before the Covid-19 pandemic showed a sharp rise in the number of people hiring private tutors for their children, and post-Covid-19, the numbers have risen further. 

Parents want to help their kids catch up from lost school time, and online education has proven to be as effective as it is convenient. So you could make 100% of your living by tutoring online alone. Just be sure to offer the highest quality service possible. Otherwise, your reputation could suffer, and you’ll lose clients quickly. 

4. Embrace the Culture

When you visit a new country, try to learn the language, immerse yourself in the culture, and try local foods. Not only will this make your trip more valuable, but it will help you connect with your students more effectively. 

Also Read: 5 Things You Must Know About Santa Monica Before Planning a Trip

5. Get VISA and Documentation Savvy

Different countries have different rules about what you need to do to enter the country and work within it. Of course, the school you are working for can help to some degree, but you should also do your own research. 

The last thing you want is to end up breaking the law or getting turned away when you travel to a new country. So start with the government’s website to get the basic information first. The TEFL website can also provide helpful details about different countries and their rules and regulations around work and travel for foreign visitors. 

If you’re heading off to travel the world as a tutor in the coming year, you’re bound to have endless adventures and fill your mind with many new memories. With the tips above and lots of pre-planning and research, you can truly make the most of traveling and tutoring in 2023.